Chaplain's Message

Bind us together, Lord
Bind us together
With cords that cannot be broken
Bind us together, Lord
Bind us together
Bind us together in love.

Greetings Sorors,

As chaplain of our most cherished sisterhood, let us be reminded that we are a sorority founded on Christian principles, so therefore we first and foremost want to seek our Lord and Savior, Jesus the  Christ,  in all that we say and do.  Then, I would like for each of us to take a moment to reflect on the principles that so firmly bind us together. Let us strive to make our chapter one of unity whereas we can grow together, harmoniously work together, laugh together, and maybe even want to hang out together. May we always be mindful to uphold Compassion, Courtesy, Dedication, Fellowship, Fidelity, Honesty, Justice, Purity, and Temperance… Our Nine  Cardinal Virtues, for these are the ideals that will strengthen us in our quest to move forward.
As we journey on this path of sisterhood, may we be  a continual source of inspiration for each other by lending a listening ear, a helping hand, or perhaps a comforting word when needed. May we be slow to take offense and always have a spirit and desire for reconciliation. May we understand that each of us  bring unique  strengths, perspectives, and experiences to the table. So, let us respect our differences  and foster an environment that shows when working together we can create a tapestry  of unity,  thus proving  that BIG things can happen within MCAC.
Lastly, in the spirit of sisterhood, let us continue to nurture our bonds, treasure our traditions, and strive for excellence with the realization and understanding that,  “We Can  Do  Better Together!”
Blessed in Delta,
Marilyn Hampton-Brown, Chaplain
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